The Sustainability
& Innovation Academy

Courses by Experts / Nordic Approach
Vibrant Community  / ONLINE PROGRAMMES

online programmes

Welcome to The Academy!

This is where we delve into the fascinating world of innovation and explore why it isn't easy in today's rapidly changing landscape. Innovation has become increasingly complex due to a myriad of factors, such as evolving technologies, shifting consumer demands, and global challenges like climate change. However, one key element that can significantly facilitate innovation in these trying times is sustainability.

Throughout various courses, you will explore the good practices and strategies that align innovation with sustainability, showcasing how this harmonious match can lead to more accessible, responsible, and successful innovation endeavors in today's world. Expect live interactions, practical action-based work, and a vibrant community to tackle your own challenges with support.

Join us on this transformative journey to harness the power of innovation for
a brighter & more sustainable future!

We promise to grow through ongoing programs and courses. Within the span of various courses and programs, you'll embark on a transformative journey featuring interactive live sessions, collaborative peer-to-peer work, self-assessment opportunities, and carefully curated self-learning materials.

Nordic Approach
to Innovation
& Sustainability

The Nordic approach to innovation and sustainability offers valuable insights and serves as a guiding light in this pursuit. By emphasizing sustainable practices and integrating them into the innovation process, organizations can unlock new opportunities, reduce environmental impacts, and create long-lasting solutions. 

The world of Nordic Innovation is a dynamic region that seamlessly blends tradition with cutting-edge technology, sustainability with economic growth, and social equity with entrepreneurial spirit. The Nordic countries have a rich history of shaping global innovation trends.

Who is for?

Academy is designed for business professionals looking to drive positive impact within their organisation's growth and innovation strategies, particularly from innovation and sustainability departments.

It's suitable for roles such as Sustainability Managers, R&D Managers, Innovation Managers, Production Managers, Experts in Sustainability, Environmental Managers, ESG Managers, CSR Managers, Entrepreneurs, Business Leaders, Investors, and Consultants.

Our Programmes


Our Know-How & Values

We invite you to be part of this vibrant community dedicated to advancing sustainability & innovation. 


Cultivating a collaborative community is at the heart of the Sustainable Innovation Academy by Next Agents.

With the support of our course collaborators, we are dedicated to bringing together individuals, departments, and organizations who share a passion for sustainability and innovation.


Our courses not only provide knowledge but also foster connections among participants.

By joining our programs, you gain access to a diverse community of like-minded individuals committed to positive change through sustainable innovation.

Academy by Next Agents 

NEXT AGENTS, founded in 2019 and headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, is your partner in innovative & sustainable education. With over 40 years of combined experience, our interdisciplinary team specialises in sustainability, innovation, and future-proofing strategies. We bridge the gap between business and design, fostering collaboration and building partnerships while considering ecosystems.

Our affiliations include membership inthe ISO Technical Committee ISO/TC 279 for Innovation Management, the Nordics affiliate for Rapid Learning Cycles (RLC), and Cradlenet and Nordic Circular Hotspot. We are also featured on the Swedish Climate Startup Map. At Next Agents, we empower organizations with the skills and mindset needed to thrive in an ever-changing world.

All of our agents are teaching & lecturing in different universities around Europe. 


I won’t be able to join all the classes, how can I follow up on the content?

> If you can't attend all classes, here are some ways to catch up: Class Recordings: Check for recorded lectures. Course Materials: Access lecture slides and handouts. Peer Help: Collaborate with classmates for notes and insights. Instructor Communication: Contact your instructor for guidance. Online Resources: Use websites, tutorials, or textbooks. The content will be accessible for your own use for the duration of the programme.

Are there discounts available for groups and/or companies?

> Send us an e-mail to if you want to register by having an invoice sent to you (30 days payment terms). Pay directly using PayPal & guarantee a spot immediately!  In case you are inquiring for a Team or Group from the same organisation, contact us directly for a group discount. Also, you can book time in Calendly.

What are the technical requirements?

> To access our courses using LearnWorlds and participate in Zoom calls, you'll need a device with internet access, a web browser (like Chrome or Firefox), and Zoom installed. Ensure your device has audio and, if needed, video capabilities. Keep your software up to date for the best experience.

How do I sign up for the online platform program, and what are the registration steps?

> The registration process for each program is typically outlined on the program's website. However, the most efficient way to register is by contacting us Next Agents directly. We will guide you through the registration steps, answer any questions you may have, and ensure a smooth enrolment process. You can find contact information for our Next Agents on the program's website or reach out to our customer support for assistance.
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